Labour Practices and Human Rights
We aim to provide working conditions aligned with international best practice with respect to human rights and labour practices and to respect the human rights of people who work for us and in our supply chain or are otherwise impacted by our operations.
Human Rights Policy Statement
Our Human Rights Policy Statement recognises our responsibility and commitment to act in a socially responsible manner, comply with applicable laws, respect human rights and avoid complicity in human rights abuses, as stated in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. By so doing, we aim to gain and retain the trust of our clients, employees, business partners, suppliers and other stakeholders We are also committed to working with suppliers and partners whose human rights standards are consistent with our own.
UN Global Compact
Subsea7 is proud to be a signatory to the UN Global Compact, in which the United Nations has set out 10 principles covering human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Together these principles ensure businesses can uphold their basic responsibilities to people and the planet, while also creating long-term success.

Building Responsibly
Subsea7 is a Board Member of the Building Responsibly organisation, a global business-led coalition committed to promoting the rights and welfare of workers in the energy and construction sectors. We support the Building Responsibly Worker Welfare Principles.

Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Our Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement is part of, and describes our efforts to respond to the UK Modern Slavery Act, as well as to evolving regulatory and stakeholder requirements and expectations (including the Norwegian Transparency Act).
Labour Practices and Human Rights is one of our six Sustainability focus areas, alongside Business Ethics; Health, Safety and Wellbeing; Operational Eco-Efficiency, Energy Transition, and Ecological Impacts.
Our Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct applies to all our people. It sets out the key principles that we are all committed to upholding and which line management are responsible for communicating and implementing. In it can be found more details of, and guidance on our commitments in relation to human rights and labour practices.
Global Human Rights Procedure
Our Human Rights Policy Statement and Code of Conduct are underpinned by a Group-wide Human Rights Procedure, which sets out our policy commitments more specifically, and provides guidance on how they are implemented across our own operations and our supply chain, the role of the various associated procedures, and where they can be found.
Our Human Rights Programme
Subsea7 Group has a human rights programme designed to:
- embed our Human Rights Policy Statement and the relevant aspects of our Code of Conduct; and
- identify and manage human rights risks across our own operations and within our supply chain, with a particular emphasis on the risks with the most egregious impacts, namely child labour, slavery and trafficking, and other forms of forced or involuntary labour; and thereby
- give effect to our commitments under the UN Global Compact and the ILO Standards in relation to child labour; and
- address existing and emerging stakeholder and regulatory expectations and requirements, such as the UK Modern Slavery Act, the Norwegian Transparency Act and applicable EU diligence laws.
The programme is informed and underpinned by our Values and our Board’s determination to manage the human rights impacts of our business.
Our programme is summarised in this graphic:

Wherever possible and desirable, our human rights programme seeks to learn from and leverage various aspects of our compliance and ethics programme, such as risk assessments, due diligence, training and supply chain management procedures.
More details about our Human Rights Programme can be found here.
Speak Up Policy
We have a clear Speak Up Policy, which offers various channels for raising concerns, including an externally administered and monitored confidential reporting line, Safecall, which is extensively promoted within Subsea7 Group. All personnel are encouraged to utilise one of these reporting channels if they become aware of a possible breach of our Code of Conduct or have other concerns in respect of human rights breaches.
Grievance Procedures
Grievance policies and mechanisms are established to provide, in line with the Global Grievance Procedure and local legislation, a fair and effective procedure for resolving individual grievances on matters such as working practices, health and safety, fair treatment, or terms and conditions of employment. Any grievance relating to labour practices can be raised according to these procedures.
Code of Conduct for Suppliers
Our Human Rights Programme also includes our Code of Conduct for Suppliers, which sets out the key principles of ethical conduct that our suppliers agree must be upheld when working with us – including in relation to human rights.